Monthly Archives: January 2019

Upcoming Trends

Adaptive planning – catching the wave

A small, quick and weak
A big, slow and strong

In nature the large waves generally have a low frequency. And conversely an increased frequency waves cannot obtain a big amplitudes. The waves with big amplitudes can suppress the waves with small amplitudes. What is usually a tendency? An informational pulse that is involves a great number of by the viral spread of data. It is often a low frequency wave that has a big amplitude! The random fluctuations are high frequency waves. Actually the noise is really a series of random fluctuations. A new trend brings a fresh game rules. And the obsolete plan may crash on the new conditions. Nowadays a lot of companies are applying the Agile concept, that’s represent on its own a dynamic or even an adaptive planning. For example, in line with the Agile concept Scrum Methodology, this company teams participants are periodically gathering around the group meetings to guage the factors if required to adjust the blueprint to the new circumstances.

The analytical forecast based about the collective behaviour

The time frame

To overcome the complicated labyrinths we must plan the routes. Which is necessitates the sufficient intake of financial and time resources. Meanwhile we can easily pass through be simple labyrinths even without the plan. The pathway without the obstacle or even a fewer obstacles is known as window of opportunity.

Observable – predictable – controllable
Able to foresee – in a position to manage

By the Google trends tool we are able to to observe and explore the collective behaviour of human community. According to our keywords requests it shows the visual relative levels of keyword queries from total Google search queries for that defined period of time and geographical region. For monitoring the complex systems, the info visualization includes a crucial meaning. The Google trends tool is visualised data in line/bar/pie charts plus choropleth maps. By analyzing the visual data we could to detect the direction of dominating trend. In other words we are able to forecast the further developments. We can and also to export the Google trends data into excel compatible csv spreadsheet. Since the Google trends tool operates with relational data values, we may and then to apply it for comparative analysis and discover the interdependencies. If you would like to discover the absolute data values then you definitely should to put on another useful tool – Google AdWords keyword planner.