If you’re not into sports especially baseball you won’t be able to relate to Yogi Berra as a player for the New Yankees. Yogi was a Hall of Fame catcher in most prestige’s days of those great Yankee baseball teams. When he said, “A nickel ain’t worth a dime anymore!” It sounds so right but when you walk away you say to yourself did I miss something in what he said. Of course, you didn’t it is Yogism. A new language adapted by the great catcher of all times. Now if that saying confused you just wait and he would say something else off the wall. For instance, when he attended a university graduation and was the guess speaker. If they were not confused before he gave his speech, you can bet on it they were by the time he left. Here is part of what he said at the ceremony.
“I am … happy to speak my words at the university graduation. A lot of people have been quoting me ever since I came to play for the Yankees in 1946. But, as I once said, I really didn’t say everything I said. So now it’s my turn. I want to give some of my famous advice to the graduates. First, never give up, because it ain’t over ’til it’s over. Second, during the years ahead, when you come to the fork in the road, take it. Third, don’t always follow the crowd, because nobody goes there any more. It’s too crowded. Fourth, stay alert . You can observe a lot by watching. Fifth, and last, remember that whatever you do in life, 90 percent of it is half mental. In closing, I want to quote myself again: Thank you, Montclair State University, for making this day necessary.” (Excerpts from Yogi Berra’s commencement speech as delivered to the Class of 1996, Montclair State University.)
Confusion #1:
I have always thought that business online can be a bit confusing. You get hit with Videos, types of conference rooms, different chat rooms, so the more you see the more you become totally confused.
Confusion #2:
Information overload can really take the glamour away. You are constantly hit with advertisements and explosion of video and audios everywhere. They will undermine and make you question your own good judgement.
Confusion #3:
With so many web pages in cyberspace, confusing domain names can make looking for a page frustrating at times.
Confusion # 4:
Individuals just want to be shown a simple, proven strategy for earning a reliable income from the web? And of course you and everyone would like it to be from someone they know the information was coming from someone who’s actually doing it? Now that would help tremendously. But the real confusion starts when what seems so simple becomes more and more complicated as you get involved with the company or processes. Whew, it gets more and more like Yogi.
Confusion #5:
Like many people, you were probably frustrated at first. Suffering from information overload and confusion, you didn’t know how to do what you needed to do to succeed. So the best thing for anyone to do is find someone that will keep it simple and explain things step by step.
The main thing that I hope you have learned from all this is not to rely on too many Yogi’s out there on the internet. If you do you will just jump from one thing to another. Again, the word is Floundering. You need to stop floundering. Get a process that works and stay with it. One of the best marketing tools is keep it simple stupid. That is exactly what I do when I write an article. As you see this article is very simple and to the point. I can’t handle anything complicated. I am very simple minded. I would not work very well in a Yogi world. Until you hear from me, again, stay away from confusing Yogism and find someone to keep your internet business simple and to the point.
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