Daily Archives: April 28, 2021

Sentinel Review Websites

Review websites were originally made to provide users income examine all of the different products in the marketplace, and operate the experience of the article author to make the best choice (on their behalf).

The trouble with review sites is because they were inherently stuck just using lower levels of selling – typically that will get ranked on Google.

Whilst there were nothing wrong on this, various updates for the system’s algorithm and shifts in consumer demand (typically focused around social websites), many “thin affiliate” websites were dropped on the various serp’s (killing their value).

Remember, regardless how good something is – if folks don’t get to see, use or take advantage of it – this doesn’t have any “use” value. This doesn’t really concern a lot of people (anyone considering this to be a new venture does not need to worry about it) – it will, however, highlight the reason the “sentinel” website strategy is made…

Sentinel review sites really are a “new” generation of review website – designed around authenticity. In other words, as an alternative to producing a faceless “me too” website – they’ve already genuinely good content, with the actual face & real name. They *should* be good at attracting users on the various “social” communities which one can find now.

The underlying “model” remains to be the same, however the way in which it’s created is unique. The difference is in the method by which the information is presented, and the way it is interfaced for your user. Rather than being “static” content, the goal with Sentinel would have been to create a flexible system, which allowed individuals deliver an actual SERVICE through their online application.

The point this is that you’re essentially quitting “static” HTML websites (which could typically have the obligatory “reviews” table plus a number of content pages), to some functional application – populated with reviews where appropriate.

The “sentinel” method essentially enables you to remove the potential conditions could be preventing a “review” website from delivering value. By replacing structure with functionality, you’re basically allowing users to create their own choice about which services selecting to just use – with out a large amount of difficulties with the system itself.

One from the more pertinent instances of an effective “sentinel” website is PCPartPicker. This is a system that helps users manage new PC builds.

Whilst not much of a “traditional” website in the sense of providing users web site gauge the effectiveness from the different products / providers, it *does* supply you with a valid method to manage various companies you could wish to buy from. This nondescript nature of the machine is why the “sentinel” strategy effective.